
Face Wash...NO SOAP!

Want to be THRIFTY AND NIFTY with you face?! If your face is anything like mine, it is extremely dry. Although I used a face soap that was for sensitive skin and dermatologist recommended blah blah blah my face was still drying out all the time and I would get occasional pimples. So, I did some internet research and tried a different type of concoction for my face...this involved NO soap!
All you need is 2 ingredients. Did you read that right? YES! Only 2 ingredients!
1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I only had Canola Oil with Extra Virgin Olive Oil in my cabinet so I just used this, and it seems to work!...but if you just have EV Olive Oil, you can just use that! You can use Sunflower Oil as well!

2. Castor Oil
If you don't have Castor Oil at home, you can find it near the pharmacy in a local drugstore...it is not near the cooking oils!!

After you get these 2 ingredients, just mix them together! I added 3 tablespoons on Olive Oil and 1 tablespoons of Castor Oil to a mason jar. This seems like a small amount, but it lasts a LONG time!
I used more olive oil, because my face is more dry than it is oily and acne prone...so if you're face is more oily and acne prone, you can increase the amount of castor oil.

At night, before you go to bed, massage the oil onto your DRY face. It's okay if you have face makeup on...the oil will take it right off. But if you have mascara, you might need to take that off with some makeup remover.
After giving yourself a mini facial, get a washcloth, put under hot water, then put it on your face and let the steam clean out your pores! Once the cloth gets to room temperature, take it off, and rinse the washcloth again with warm water and gently wipe off the rest of the oil.

While reading this you're probably thinking, "This girl is CRAZY. Why in the heck would I wash my face with oil. That will only make it more oily!!"
WRONG! Here's why...

Oil dissolves oil. One of the most basic principals of chemistry is that “like dissolves like.” The best way to dissolve a non-polar solvent like sebum/oil, is by using another non-polar solvent similar in composition: other oils. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that heal, protect and nourish your skin. When done properly and consistently, the OCM can clear the skin from issues like oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by mild to moderate acne–while leaving your skin healthy, balanced and properly moisturized.”
(quote taken from acne.org)

It only took about a week for me to see my skin change. It was moisturized, and looked extremely healthy. I do this every night, and in the morning I just rinse my face with warm water. I haven't used soap in about a month now and I love the way my face looks and feels!

Decorate your face with this Thrifty & Nifty recipe!

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