
Thrift Store Find!

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my new blog: "Thrifty & Nifty!" Let me start by introducing myself...my name is Lysette, a college student,  and I am a huge BARGAIN $HOPPER! I love to decorate...whether it's decorating myself with clothes and accessories, decorating my apartment with thrift store finds, or decorating my food with delicious desserts!  This blog is to help you all save money when decorating...

So let's start off with my current TV stand in my living room that I found in a thrift store for $15!!

Green and off-white aren't the colors I wanted for my apartment...so I used one of the BEST THINGS EVER!...PAINT! BLACK PAINT!

Ohhh! Look how shiny and nice it looks! So this TV dresser costs me about $20 after buying the actual stand, buying some paint, and I had paint brushes at home. What a deal! And it looks so new!

I suggest that before buying any new furniture, check out this website!
Thrift Stores!
It's a website that allows you to search thrift stores all over the U.S.
Check it out!

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