
Spray Paint FAQs

Sorry for the long gap between posts! I was in NYC for a National Broadcasting Society Convention and had no time to go on my computer! Anyways...I found this great post on Spray Painting FAQs! Great thing to read if you're looking to see what type of paint you should use to fix up an old dresser, etc!
Click on the pic if you're on Pinterest, if not, click on the link below the pic!

Spray Paint FAQs


St. Paddy's Day!

STOP! Before you start cleaning up after your St. Paddy's day party, look around your house to see if there is any "trash" you may be able to use for next year...Yes, I said TRASH!
My aunt and uncle have a huge St. Patrick's Day party every year.  I took some pictures of what the epitome of "thrifty nifty" decorations are.
All you need?...Irish beer cardboard boxes...of all different sizes...and some string!
Take a look at these pics!
First pic...all you need is some cardboard beer boxes and stack them to add that little bit of extra "wow"
Second pic...take some smaller beer boxes, run some string through them, and hang them up around the patio to really make your guests say "WOWWWWWWWWWW!"
So DO NOT throw away all those boxes...SAVE THEM! You can use them next year!


Candle in a Bottle

I think this would be such a cute idea for my apartment! I absolutely
loved it right when I saw it.  It would also look super cute as
decoration for a party...or a book club!

And to top it all off, I am OBSESSED with candles!

Click on the pic below if you have a Pinterest account...if not, click on the link below the pic!

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Girl Scout Cookies!

One of my favorite times of the year...GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME!
I found this awesome recipe to make delicious Samoa Cookies (Mmmmm, my favorite!!)
Click on the link below the picture to make your mouth water!


the little epicurean: Homemade Samoa Cookies